Doggerland is part geology lecture, part visual performance and part absurdist visa application process.
Doggerland is a real (though drowned) country, it joins the UK to the rest of Europe. You may recognise its name from the shipping forecast. Doggerbank, its highest point, was the last landmass above water. Finally, wiped out when a landslide off the coast of Norway created an almighty tsunami at the end of the last ice age.
The audience is invited to sit at the table with Helen, to join the discussion and examine the evidence as she shares the stories of Doggerland through projected maps, movement and multiple characters.
You are invited to consider the nature of borders, both political and personal, and to enjoy a journey to the liminal.
An absurd lecture-performance from Edinburgh Fringe First Winner Helen Tennison. Doggerland is the land that joined the UK to the rest of Europe until flooded by rising sea levels at the end of the last ice age. Doggerland is about borders and boundaries: personal, political and geographical. You are invited to the Doggerland Administration Bureau for an intimate participatory event.